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The new leadership in the White House 

Now we know for sure, that there is no such thing as a general kind of divine protection, neither for the President himself, his wife or his family, nor for his staff, nor any part of the U.S. Government, not even for the citizens of America.


As Trump is utterly negative and critical, not only about all sorts of former political leadership, but also the media, he is in dire need of some other kind of massive support group within the Government, which seems to be the police and military forces. As is pointed out in another homepage , the sudden appearance of military uniforms around Trump shortly after the beginning of his speech, was in no way a coincidence, but a concealed signal: Trump was just emphasizing the distinctly different character and historic importance of this transfer of power, when the young military men appeared… from above. Not only clear references to activate the status of armed forces, but the seemingly indifferent way Trump answered the reporter’s inquiries concerning the reintroduction of torture as a means of gathering information on Jan.26th, must have raised alarm among human rights groups around the globe, but the silence discredits them all. First, his words gave the impression, that the party leadership had such interests and the actual initiative — quite an absurd imagination; most probably his own conscience accused him, which made him hold back —, but later he closed with the strong affirmation, that he himself considered torture ‘effective’. After all studies and crucial data, it takes very little brainwork to understand, that ‘effective’ can only be related to the impact of such terror on the souls, minds and bodies of average citizens: Information gathering and the use of torture is a bestial contradiction in itself: who wouldn't give in to such pressure, even making blatantly wrongful statements, only to be freed from horrific pain?

As very dark and evil clouds gather across the skies of America, the ‘brown folks’ with the attitude of those Nazis, who were granted legal immunity and, as experts and informants in their specific field of research, and actually welcomed into American society by the hundreds after the end of WWII, thereby bringing a real curse onto the American nation, are given special attention again under this administration. 

Kidding aside: even the fireworks will take on very different colours, as all of a sudden, celebrations will end and emotions of patriotism are drenched in blood and tears. 

What are the options, what are the consequences? As is pointed out in the HP THE CRUCIAL DECISION, America’s sin is massive. GOD YAHWEH’s judgement has already begun. Flee the land of Sinear! At present, it is still possible, but developments are fast and the urgency is quickly rising: 

sort out your belongings and begin to prepare to actually leave American soil. 


Ask GOD ALMIGHTY to prepare a place for you in a different country. We all face very serious decisions, for the day will come and it isn’t far away, when our unbending dedication to the crucified and Risen Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will be interpreted as dangerous to the state itself; then the gad-flies will gather to frighten, confuse and irritate us, even playing down news of our brothers and sisters in the faith simply disappearing here and there.

This is a wake-up call in the wee hours of a woeful day.

Iwao Tsukasanomiya is of Jewish descent. Yet, he assures, that, in this age, only weird forms of Jewish religiosity are left, since the long awaited Messiah, that ‘Rabbi from Nazareth’, did identify himself.

With fundamental critique of stubborn ‘Jewish’ and ‘Christian’ positions, Iwao emphasizes the ultimate importance of the love of truth and justice, thereby unearthing the ancient road back to a genuine fear of, as well as accord under the one GOD and ALLAH, whose self revealed name is YAHWEH. 

By pointing to the need for non-dogmatic, ‘spiritual’ encounters between adherents of the monotheistic creeds, he holds, that there shall be genuine unison among non-hierarchical, non-institutional and non-violent reverers of the one Creator and sovereign, future Judge of mankind. 

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